Crazy and Unique Japanese Watches

TokyoFlash a japanese online store, features a Unique collection of Wrist Watches. The designs of some of them are just crazy and push the definition of how to show time. The one in the photo is called "Pimp".The time is displayed in 3 colors. The left side represents the hours and can be read by looking at the digits to the left of them. The minutes are displayed in 12 rows of 5, in green, yellow, and red, with each row representing 5 minutes, each light representing a minute. To count the minutes after 15 minutes it is easiest to start by looking at the competed red row(s) and then start counting from there. Each completed red row is a 15, 30, 45, 60 minute indicator. Does not get more complicated to read time, but it definitly looks cool and for $129.00 this is an affordable head-turner. Check out the TokyoFlash Store for more out-there wrist watches. TokyoFlash ships to the US and Europe.